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Agriculture and Fisheries Job Market in Singapore for International Citizens

  1. Aquaculture Farm Manager: Responsible for managing and overseeing the operations of aquaculture farms, including fish or shellfish production, feeding, water quality management, and disease control.

  2. Fisheries Research Scientist: Conducts research and studies to improve fisheries management practices, develop sustainable fishing methods, and promote conservation efforts in marine ecosystems.

  3. Agronomist: Provides expertise in crop production and soil management, working closely with farmers to optimize agricultural practices, enhance yields, and implement sustainable farming techniques.

  4. Aquaculture Technician: Supports the day-to-day operations of aquaculture farms, including feeding and monitoring the health of fish or shellfish, maintaining water quality, and assisting in harvesting and processing activities.

  5. Fisheries Officer: Enforces fishing regulations, conducts inspections, and monitors fishing activities to ensure compliance with laws and sustainable fishing practices.

  6. Horticulturist: Specializes in the cultivation and management of plants, including fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants, and provides expertise in crop selection, planting, irrigation, and pest management.

  7. Agricultural Extension Officer: Works with farmers and agricultural communities to provide technical assistance, training, and guidance on best practices in crop production, livestock management, and sustainable farming techniques.

  8. Fishery Product Quality Assurance Officer: Ensures the quality and safety of fish and seafood products through inspections, adherence to hygiene standards, and compliance with food safety regulations.

  9. Agricultural Economist: Conducts economic research and analysis on agricultural markets, trade policies, and the impact of government initiatives on the agriculture and fisheries sector.

  10. Aquaculture Engineer: Designs and develops aquaculture systems and infrastructure, including fish tanks, water filtration systems, and feeding mechanisms, to optimize production efficiency and environmental sustainability.

  11. Marine Biologist: Studies marine ecosystems, biodiversity, and the impact of human activities on marine life, and provides recommendations for conservation and sustainable resource management.

  12. Irrigation Engineer: Designs and implements irrigation systems for agricultural lands, ensuring efficient water usage, proper distribution, and sustainable irrigation practices.

  13. Fish Health Specialist: Diagnoses and treats diseases in fish populations, implements disease prevention measures, and develops protocols for maintaining fish health and biosecurity in aquaculture settings.

  14. Agricultural Research Scientist: Conducts scientific research to develop innovative farming methods, improve crop yields, and address challenges related to climate change, pests, and diseases.

  15. Aquaponics Technician: Manages aquaponics systems, which integrate fish farming with hydroponics (soilless cultivation), ensuring the optimal functioning of the system and maintaining the health of both fish and plants.

  16. Aquatic Ecologist: Studies and monitors aquatic ecosystems, including rivers, lakes, and wetlands, to assess their health, identify threats, and develop conservation strategies.

  17. Seafood Processing Technician: Works in seafood processing plants, handling and preparing fish and seafood products for distribution, adhering to quality and hygiene standards.

  18. Agricultural Inspector: Conducts inspections and audits of farms, ensuring compliance with agricultural regulations, organic certification standards, and food safety requirements.

  19. Fisheries Economist: Analyzes the economic aspects of fisheries and fishery management, including market trends, pricing, and economic impact assessments of fishing activities.

  20. Marine Surveyor: Conducts surveys and assessments of marine vessels, structures, and installations, ensuring compliance with safety standards and regulatory requirements in the maritime industry.

Average Salary  of Agriculture and Fisheries Industry in Singapore 

Job Profile Average Salary (SGD)
Aquaculture Farm Manager 60,000 - 80,000
Fisheries Research Scientist 70,000 - 90,000
Agronomist 50,000 - 70,000
Aquaculture Technician 30,000 - 40,000
Fisheries Officer 40,000 - 50,000
Horticulturist 40,000 - 60,000
Agricultural Extension Officer 45,000 - 55,000
Fishery Product QA Officer 35,000 - 45,000
Agricultural Economist 60,000 - 80,000
Aquaculture Engineer 55,000 - 75,000
Marine Biologist 60,000 - 80,000
Irrigation Engineer 50,000 - 70,000
Fish Health Specialist 50,000 - 60,000
Agricultural Research Scientist 60,000 - 80,000
Aquaponics Technician 30,000 - 40,000
Aquatic Ecologist 50,000 - 70,000
Seafood Processing Technician 25,000 - 35,000
Agricultural Inspector 40,000 - 50,000
Fisheries Economist 60,000 - 80,000
Marine Surveyor 50,000 - 70,000

Agriculture and Fisheries Jobs in Canada 

Job Eligibility to Work in Agriculture and Fisheries Industry in Singapore for International Job Applicants

  1. Work Permit or Employment Pass: International job applicants need to have a valid work permit or employment pass issued by the Singapore government. The specific type of permit required will depend on factors such as the job role, salary, and qualifications.

  2. Relevant Qualifications: Most positions in the Agriculture and Fisheries industry require specific qualifications or certifications. For example, roles such as Aquaculture Farm Manager or Fisheries Research Scientist may require a relevant degree in aquaculture, marine biology, or related fields. Having the necessary educational qualifications will increase your eligibility for such roles.

  3. Work Experience: Many employers in the Agriculture and Fisheries industry prefer candidates with relevant work experience. The required experience may vary depending on the job level and responsibilities. For higher-level positions or specialized roles, employers may seek candidates with several years of industry experience.

  4. Language Proficiency: Good communication skills in English are generally required for most job roles in Singapore. Additionally, proficiency in other languages spoken in the industry or specific to the target market can be advantageous.

  5. Work Permits and Visas: International job applicants must have the legal right to work in Singapore. This typically involves obtaining the appropriate work permit or visa, which can be sponsored by the employer.

  6. Industry Knowledge and Skills: Demonstrating knowledge and skills specific to the Agriculture and Fisheries industry can enhance your eligibility. This includes understanding industry practices, regulations, and trends, as well as possessing relevant technical skills for specific job roles.

General Roles and Responsibilities in Agriculture and Fisheries Jobs in Singapore 

Job Profile Roles and Responsibilities
Aquaculture Farm Manager Manage daily operations of fish or shrimp farms, including feeding, breeding, and disease control
Horticulturist Cultivate and manage plants in controlled environments, conduct research, and provide expertise in plant care
Agricultural Scientist Conduct research and experiments to improve crop yields, develop sustainable farming practices, and address agricultural issues
Landscape Designer Design and create aesthetically pleasing outdoor spaces, select plants, and provide expertise in landscape architecture
Fisheries Research Scientist Conduct research to study marine ecosystems, fish populations, and conservation efforts
Agricultural Technician Assist in the operation and maintenance of farming equipment, conduct soil and crop analysis, and provide technical support
Plant Breeder Develop new plant varieties through selective breeding, genetic modification, and research
Farm Supervisor Supervise farm workers, manage schedules, monitor operations, and ensure compliance with safety and quality standards
Agricultural Engineer Design and develop agricultural machinery and equipment, optimize irrigation systems, and implement farm automation
Fishery Officer Monitor fishing activities, enforce regulations, and promote sustainable fishing practices
Pest Control Technician Identify and control pests in agricultural settings, develop pest management strategies, and provide technical assistance
Seed Production Technician Assist in the production, packaging, and distribution of agricultural seeds
Fisheries Inspector Inspect fishing vessels, catch, and fishing gear to ensure compliance with regulations and quality standards
Agricultural Sales Representative Promote and sell agricultural products, provide technical information to customers, and maintain customer relationships
Aquaculture Technician Assist in the operation and maintenance of aquaculture facilities, monitor water quality, and feed fish or shrimp
Agricultural Extension Officer Provide advisory services to farmers, conduct training programs, and disseminate information on best farming practices
Plantation Manager Oversee the operations of large-scale plantations, including crop cultivation, pest control, and workforce management
Agricultural Inspector Inspect agricultural products, facilities, and practices to ensure compliance with quality and safety standards
Fish Farm Worker Carry out daily tasks on fish farms, such as feeding fish, monitoring water conditions, and maintaining equipment
Irrigation Specialist Design and implement efficient irrigation systems for farms, monitor water usage, and provide technical expertise
Agricultural Economist Conduct economic analysis of the agriculture industry, study market trends, and provide recommendations for growth


General Job Eligibility to work in Agriculture and Fisheries Industry in Singapore 

Job Profile Job Eligibility
Aquaculture Farm Manager Relevant experience in aquaculture or fishery industry, knowledge of farming techniques and regulations
Horticulturist Degree in Horticulture or related field, knowledge of plant care and cultivation techniques
Agricultural Scientist Advanced degree in Agriculture or related field, research experience in agricultural sciences
Landscape Designer Degree in Landscape Architecture or related field, proficiency in design software and plant knowledge
Fisheries Research Scientist Advanced degree in Fisheries or Marine Sciences, research experience in marine ecosystems
Agricultural Technician Diploma or relevant certification in Agriculture or related field, hands-on experience in farm work
Plant Breeder Advanced degree in Plant Breeding or Genetics, experience in plant breeding research
Farm Supervisor Relevant experience in farm management, strong leadership and organizational skills
Agricultural Engineer Degree in Agricultural Engineering or related field, knowledge of farm machinery and irrigation systems
Fishery Officer Relevant experience in fisheries or marine enforcement, knowledge of fishing regulations
Pest Control Technician Relevant certification in pest control, knowledge of agricultural pests and pest management techniques
Seed Production Technician Diploma or relevant certification in Seed Production, knowledge of seed processing and packaging
Fisheries Inspector Relevant experience in fisheries or marine enforcement, knowledge of fishing regulations
Agricultural Sales Representative Strong sales and communication skills, knowledge of agricultural products and market trends
Aquaculture Technician Relevant certification or experience in aquaculture, knowledge of fish or shrimp farming techniques
Agricultural Extension Officer Degree in Agriculture or related field, experience in extension work and farmer advisory services
Plantation Manager Relevant experience in plantation management, knowledge of crop cultivation and plantation practices
Agricultural Inspector Relevant experience in agricultural inspections, knowledge of quality and safety standards
Fish Farm Worker Basic knowledge of fish farming, willingness to work in outdoor and physical environments
Irrigation Specialist Relevant experience in irrigation systems, knowledge of water management and irrigation techniques
Agricultural Economist Degree in Agricultural Economics or related field, knowledge of economic analysis and market trends

Agriculture and Fisheries Jobs in Japan

Experience Required to work in Agriculture and Fisheries Industry in Singapore

  1. Entry-level Positions: Some entry-level positions in the Agriculture and Fisheries industry may require little to no prior experience. These positions often provide on-the-job training and focus on building foundational knowledge and skills.

  2. Technician/Assistant Roles: Technician or assistant roles in agriculture and fisheries typically require a relevant diploma or certification in a related field. These positions may require some hands-on experience or practical training in farm work, aquaculture, plant care, or related areas.

  3. Mid-level Positions: Mid-level roles in the industry may require a few years of experience in a specific area of expertise. For example, positions such as farm supervisors, agricultural inspectors, or extension officers may require experience in farm management, inspection work, or providing advisory services to farmers.

  4. Specialized Roles: Specialized roles in areas such as plant breeding, agricultural engineering, aquaculture management, or agricultural economics may require an advanced degree (master's or Ph.D.) and several years of relevant research or industry experience.

  5. Managerial/Leadership Positions: Managerial or leadership positions in agriculture and fisheries often require extensive experience in the industry, including a demonstrated track record of successful management, leadership, and decision-making.

Top Hiring Companies in Singapore to International Candidates in Agriculture and Fisheries Industry

  1. Dole Asia Holdings: Dole Asia Holdings is a leading global producer and distributor of fresh fruits and vegetables, including bananas, pineapples, and salads. They have a presence in Singapore and often hire candidates with experience in agriculture, supply chain management, and quality control.

  2. Singapore Food Agency (SFA): The Singapore Food Agency is the regulatory body responsible for food safety and security in Singapore. They oversee various aspects of the agriculture and fisheries industry and may hire international candidates for roles related to food safety, inspection, and regulatory compliance.

  3. Jurong Fishery Port: Jurong Fishery Port is one of Singapore's major fishery ports, responsible for the handling and distribution of seafood products. They may hire international candidates for positions in logistics, operations, quality control, and sales.

  4. Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA): The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore plays a crucial role in ensuring food safety and agricultural development in Singapore. They may hire international candidates with expertise in areas such as plant health, animal health, food safety, and agri-technology.

  5. Singapore Aquaculture Technologies (SAT): SAT is a Singapore-based company focused on sustainable aquaculture practices. They may hire international candidates with experience in aquaculture operations, hatchery management, feed formulation, and water quality management.

  6. CropLife Asia: CropLife Asia is an industry association representing the plant science industry, including crop protection, agricultural biotechnology, and seed companies. They may hire international candidates for roles in advocacy, regulatory affairs, and industry coordination.

  7. Singapore Food Manufacturers' Association (SFMA): SFMA represents the interests of food manufacturers in Singapore. They may hire international candidates with experience in food processing, product development, quality assurance, and supply chain management.

CV and Resume Format to apply for the Agriculture and Fisheries Jobs in Singapore

  1. Contact Information:

    • Full name
    • Contact number
    • Email address
    • LinkedIn profile (if applicable)
    • Address (optional)
  2. Professional Summary:

    • A brief overview of your background, highlighting your key strengths and career objectives in the Agriculture and Fisheries industry.
  3. Education:

    • List your educational qualifications, including the degree/diploma, university/institution name, and the year of completion. Include any relevant coursework or research projects related to Agriculture and Fisheries.
  4. Work Experience:

    • Start with your most recent or current position and list your previous roles in reverse chronological order.
    • Provide the job title, name of the organization, location, and employment dates.
    • Describe your responsibilities and accomplishments, focusing on tasks and achievements related to the Agriculture and Fisheries industry. Highlight any relevant projects, research, or fieldwork.
    • Include any internships, apprenticeships, or part-time jobs that are relevant to the field.
  5. Skills:

    • List the technical and soft skills that are relevant to the Agriculture and Fisheries industry.
    • Include skills such as crop management, aquaculture techniques, food safety, environmental sustainability, research and analysis, project management, problem-solving, teamwork, etc.
    • Mention any certifications or training courses you have completed related to Agriculture and Fisheries.
  6. Achievements:

    • Highlight any notable achievements, awards, or recognition related to your work in Agriculture and Fisheries.
  7. Professional Associations:

    • If you are a member of any professional associations or industry organizations related to Agriculture and Fisheries, mention them in this section.
  8. Publications or Research:

    • If you have published any articles, research papers, or reports related to Agriculture and Fisheries, include them in this section.
  9. References:

    • Optionally, you can provide references from previous employers, professors, or mentors who can speak to your skills and qualifications.

Step by Step about How to apply for Agriculture and Fisheries Jobs in Singapore

  1. Research Job Opportunities:

    • Explore job boards, company websites, and online platforms specializing in Agriculture and Fisheries jobs to find relevant job openings in Singapore.
    • Read job descriptions and requirements to ensure they align with your skills and interests.
  2. Prepare Your Application Materials:

    • Tailor your CV or resume to highlight your relevant skills, experience, and qualifications in the Agriculture and Fisheries industry (refer to the previous response for the CV format).
    • Write a compelling cover letter that explains your interest in the specific role and showcases your suitability for the position.
    • Gather any supporting documents, such as academic transcripts, certifications, or references.
  3. Apply Online:

    • Submit your application through the company's website or the designated job portal.
    • Follow the application instructions provided, ensuring you include all required documents and information.
  4. Network and Attend Events:

    • Connect with professionals in the Agriculture and Fisheries industry in Singapore through online platforms, industry events, or professional associations.
    • Attend industry-related events, seminars, or workshops to expand your network and stay updated on industry trends.
  5. Follow Up:

    • After submitting your application, consider sending a follow-up email to express your continued interest in the position.
    • If you have any contacts within the company or industry, reach out to them for any additional insights or recommendations.
  6. Prepare for Interviews:

    • If your application is shortlisted, you may be invited for an interview.
    • Research the company and the specific role, preparing responses to common interview questions.
    • Highlight your knowledge of the Agriculture and Fisheries industry and showcase how your skills align with the job requirements.
  7. Attend Interviews:

    • Dress professionally and arrive on time for the interview.
    • Be prepared to discuss your experience, skills, and knowledge related to the Agriculture and Fisheries industry.
    • Ask thoughtful questions about the company, the team, and the role.
  8. Follow Up After the Interview:

    • Send a thank-you email or note to the interviewers, expressing your appreciation for their time and reiterating your interest in the position.


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